Monday, August 27, 2012

B-e-a-utiful- Megan Nicole (Original Song)

 have to apologize for not being on Blogger for ... a month!!! Eep! 

I have really great excuses like a fabulous family vacation/reunion that was a thousand miles away (resulting in huge road trip with 5 little boys) and the resulting need to re-cup-er-ate!

And then I had one week to get all the stuff for said boys for school. Then there was the first week of school and  trying to get to all the stuff I hadn't done for nearly a month.

And now finally I get to My Blog! Yay!

I have some great posts planned. But I've been trying to get a Very Important Project done and sent off. And I am a-l-m-o-s-t there.

But I stumbled upon this lovely, lovely song that is so sweet and cute and I just had to share.

My target audience for my writing is female teens (and anyone else who loves YA romance/adventure). And I remember feeling just this way in high school. About a couple of boys. And nothing ever came of it. But the feeling of wanting to feel beautiful and noticed never goes away. At least not for me.

I love it when my husband tells me I'm beautiful or makes me feel beautiful
and precious
and special
and amazing
and awesome.

But before I got married (and even since - I admit) I turned to books to help me feel beautiful and amazing. Just to go through the heroine's experience vicariously made me feel all those wonderful emotions.

And as I am finishing my Very Important Project, I want to remember those feelings and I want my words, my writing  to evoke those emotions.

Because we all want to be B-E-A-UTIFUL!

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