Friday, November 9, 2012


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As I mentioned yesterday, though I did fill the last half of October with revisions and edits, this week, I've been working on National Novel Writing Month. 
Or NaNoWriMo as it is affectionately called by us crazy enough to attempt writing a 50,000 word novel during the month of November.

I've never done it before. And I'm not even doing it officially since I did start this new book back in September, because I 
Just. Couldn't. Wait.

The idea had been marinating for a year and I had two documents filled with delicious ideas. This shiny new book was begging to be written. So I started it. Then I broke off to prep for my SCBWI conference. 
When November 2nd rolled around, I had received encouragement from several friends and I made the decision to join in the madness.

I opened a new document, so I wouldn't "cheat" on word count. And I am proud to say that I have written 9558 words so far. And that was only Saturday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Pretty dang good.

The kids were off school yesterday. And they are off today. So I'm not even guilting myself into working on it. It would just be a load of hooey anyway. Right now they are happily playing. I know it will not last long. So I am taking advantage of the moment.

Now for those who are not writers, this is what NaNo looks like from the outside: 
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I really am not smoking a pipe. But there are other signs of dissipation and letting go of the unnecessary things in life. The breakfast cereal bags and boxes stay on the table until its time to set it for dinner. Though the laundry is done, it is only stacked in the laundry room and the occupants of my home will have to find their piles and take them up themselves, thank-you-very-much!

But this is what I'm seeing in my head as I'm writing: 
Gravensteen Castle Ghent Belgium Counts of Flanders        Awesome view of Dinant fortress from across the river.
Belgium. Another view of Dinant Rock climbing in Dinant region
Images via,, and

Doesn't that look cool!
And then mix it with:

and with this creepy villain:

And you can see why I couldn't wait to start!!! 

I can't say much more now, and I've wasted enough NaNo time writing this anyway. So, off to my secluded chamber.....or not quite so secluded living room and family computer. :)


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