Friday, September 20, 2013

In Which I Semi-Retire from Blogging

Those who have been ardently, impatiently waiting for the latest blog posting from me has been disappointed this past summer. I went to a regional SCBWI conference at the beginning of June, had a 'near miss' with an agent and the blog went dark. Not because I'd given up writing or anything, far from it. The agent was awesome and said she wants to see my manuscript....after it's shortened a bit.

So I spent the summer carefully performing liposuction, nipping and tucking and sometimes restructuring. But at the same time, I really studied my writing. 

I love it. It's good. 
I want to continue doing this for ages and ages. But I'm just now getting how Looooooong it really does take to get published. And I realized that I was okay with that. 

Why? Because I decided that I couldn't wait around for the golden egg of royalties to drop into my lap to improve my financial situation. I have other skills beside writing. And those who love me best have been nudging me to get those skills polished and marketable. 
I realized I can do both. I can pursue both dreams.

I knew it would be difficult.
A challenge. 
A Mount Everest of tasks and responsibility.
And my track record for following through has never been awesome.

Except, now that I'm back on a college campus (after a hiatus of more than a decade) I'm not the same person I was before. I don't procrastinate my assignments. I usually have them done a day or two before they are due. I'm getting straight A's (yeah, yeah, its only a month into the school year...but still!). 

I also walk a half hour every morning (*a truly happy time with my iPod).
I make breakfast for five kids.
Help five kids with homework every afternoon. 
Cook dinner every night.  
Keep up with laundry (sorta...not folding still counts right?).

And on weekends, I've been able to get something done on my novel. In fact, I've discovered a few new ideas and my writing feels fresher than it has in a long time.

Perhaps everyone should try going back to school in their thirties...we have a much better work ethic and a better understanding of priorities.

I do need to let a couple of things go, however. And guess what...the blog gets the ax. Not permanently, I hope. Who knows, now that I'm 'signing off,' I might just gravitate back here more often.

As it is, I am the author of one YA fantasy novel and several other partial novels (all yet to be published). 
I am a happy wife and a mom of five energetic boys.
I am a college student, pursuing my Bachelors in Interpreting for the Deaf.

I still love writing. 
I still love fencing.
I still love immersing myself in a good book.
I still love art.
 I still love baking.
I still love so many, many things. 
But if my week was a pie chart, some of that stuff is gets a pretty skinny slice nowadays.

And that's okay with me right now. I hope you understand.
'Til next time!


  1. It sounds like you know what your priorities are (something I sometimes feel that I am still working on). Good luck with going back to school! What a cool subject to study. :)

    1. Thanks Sarah!

      I really do enjoy sign language and have found I'm a closet kinesthetic learner. If I do it with my hands/body, I remember it much more easily. I've discovered that as I interpret, I remember more of the conversation/speech/directions than if I was just sitting there listening. And the drama-geek in me just LOVES 'performing'.

      As for priorities...some days, we have to realign those more often than brushing teeth. But, I'm getting better at discerning those priorities and keeping them at the top of the list.

      I'm so grateful for this wisdom thing that's developing inside of me. Such a great app for life. Wish I had more of it a few years ago. :)
