This is a day when I wonder if I'm doing anything right. I know I'm doing some things okay and few things really well. But what about the rest of the "Stuff". The five basic food groups, the curtailed TV, the ten minutes of scripture study and the thirty minutes of reading to your kids I (mostly) do but there is so much more that the everyday messages shout out in the world.
Be cute! Be fun! Be firm! Be creative! Be educated! Develop your talents! Keep that house clean and ready for company! Have uplifting dinner conversation around the table!
Sigh! I know that there is a time for every season and purpose under heaven. I know that I can't do everything at once. But sometimes it feels that not only is the world encouraging women to have the best of both (all) worlds, but that they MUST.
It can get overwhelming. But while looking through a friends' Pinterest board of quotes, I found so many uplifing words.
Words that encouraged and helped me look upward. I love the quote above by Elder David A. Bednar, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. This gave me a glimpse of what I needed.
I need a balance of the long-range and short term goals. Keep goals for the future lofty, but know that "it is by small and simple things that great things come to pass."
So grateful that General Conference will be here in just two more days. I need a long cool drink of that living water. I need that reminder and the comfort from heaven.
But before I end, I want to leave you with two more quotes that made me happy (and are easier to remember when the kids are shouting and the oven timer is ringing and the buzzer on the dryer goes off and the cell phone rings all at the same time.
And reading the fine print on this last one helps keep the perspective.