Sunday, May 15, 2011

Recommended Book

By the way, I failed to mention the book that Brother Goddard wrote. It is entitled : "The Soft-Spoken Parent: 50 Ways Not To Lose Your Temper With Your Kids."

Yeeeeeeah! I saw the title in a Deseret Book catalog and knew I NEEDED that book. I had been screaming a lot that day. *blushes at her true confessions*

Here's a link to Amazon.

Also in the way of full disclosure, the author's wife is the RS president and invited our family over for dinner on Friday night. We had tacos. (Muy Delicioso.)

But my my kids remember them as the cool people who have a pet squirrel and a zipline in their backyard. True Story. The boys were on that thing for at least a half an hour... probably closer to an hour. Best. Fun. Ever. (I was informed).

I even had a turn. Pretty fun. But I really enjoyed watching the boys.

They now have very elaborate plans for the treehouse/zipline combo they want Dad to build in our sloping, wooded backyard. Heh, heh, heh. I believe it will only be a matter of time. :)

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